Over the Centuries, people have used different words to describe the truthfulness of the scripture, and one of the words is INERRANCY. Like any doctrine, it has been historically disputed in one fashion or another, whether you are talking about the date of Christ or Christ rose from dead or there is heaven to be gained or hell to be shown. Every CARDINAL DOCTRINE has been disputed at one point or another. What is clear in reading the primary sources across the century, however it is well shown in book of John Woodbridge called Biblical authority.
在過去的許多世紀以來,人們用不同的語言在描述聖經的可靠性,其中一個字就是「無誤」。就如任何的教義一樣,在歷史上曾經經過不同形態的爭議。不管你要談到:耶穌的年代、耶穌從死裡復活、或是將要來臨的天堂、或是將要顯現的地獄。每一個核心的教義都多多少少的曾經被爭議過。然而非常清楚的,在讀了這個世紀主要的資料之後,這問題非常好的呈現在一本著作上,就是John Woodbridge的《聖經的權威》。
What is well shown is that in every kind of period, in every period of history, in every different world view, from patristic age through middle age through reformers, all the way to the present time, people have held a view that we would call today INERRENCY, it is constant right through the ages. All that means is that we call the Bible is true, that is as God gave it, it is without error.
這很好呈現出來的就是,在不同的時期,在歷史上不同的時段,在每一個不同的世界觀下,從教父時代、到中世紀、經過宗教改革時代、直到現今。人們持有一個觀點, 就是今日所稱的:「無誤」。這個觀點經過多少時代,持續是對的。它所有的意義就是:我們稱聖經是真實的。也就是:神將它賜下來。它是沒有錯誤的。
It is not referred to that whether or not somebody wrote down the word that might have spelling mistake or something like that. That's not the issue; it is whether or not what God said as God has originally given was true.
That counts for different literary genre. Bible is not a systematic theology textbook, although it does give a whole lot systematic truth, but includes lament, narratives, letters, apocalyptic symbolism etc. So the way truth is conveyed in various and enormously from literary form to literary forms. All that is accounted for sophisticated treatment of doctrines of scripture.
But what the flag of inerrancy is to describe the reliability of scripture. So some who want to get rid of the word don't like it, because it's sometime been mischaracterized by believing, for example, every single copy was copied correctly, which no knowledgeable Christian has ever argued.
Whatever the Bible chooses to speak on is true. How is it choose to speak is up for grabs, for example sometime it is described in parabolic terms, where it's not claiming to give history, it's claiming to give something a story that said something true , without actually claiming something happen in history.
So again One has to throw in approprate reflection on differennt literary Jenres for how truth is conveied in these different literary Jenres. But, once you are clear as to how the Bible is addressing you, then whatever it chooses to speak on, whether history or the resurection of believers in the last day, or the nature of Christ or whatever. Whatever it chooses to speak on is true.
So, when Apostle Paul, for example, gave his address in Mars hill reported in Acts chapter 17, it takes us about two minutes to raed it. But Apocalytic addresses were not know for their brevity. Undoubtly he went on and on for long period of time until it has been cut off, could easily been 3 hours. In which case,every prase in each clause which you find is probably not more than a heading, the next point of the whole series. Nevertheless, we still claim that it is a faithful record of what he said, even if it is not an exhaustive report of what he said.
If you then ask the next question: Is it “essential” for Christian faith, or something of that order? Everthing depends on what you meam by essential. It's really important to say that the Bible no where says unless you belive in inerrancy, you can not be saved. In other words, we are to trust Christ and his sacrifice in our hehalf.
We are to commit ourselves to him. We bow before his Lordship. The devil himself can believe in inerrancy, which doesn't garrentee his salvation. It is important to say that believe in inerrancy is not a “condition” in exactly the same way as trusting in Christ, which is a bound of irrefutably, irrefragably, irreducibly with salvation itself.
2010年9月25日 星期六
張貼留言 (Atom)
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「衝鋒陷陣」是一部以運動為背景的勵志片。片中探討黑白族裔,如何捐棄成見,合作致勝。兩位教練在領導上所扮演的角色,值得我們學習。 空降而來的領導力的影響與情境的變化 在1970年代,正是黑人民權意識高漲的時代。位於美國中南部的維吉尼亞州,居民的觀念還是很保守。那裏的一所高中的美式...