2020年5月12日 星期二

Thrive 茁壯

Whoa oh... 喔...
In this dry and weary land 在這乾旱疲乏之地,
Where many a dream have died 多少夢想已然消逝
Like a tree planted by the water 像一棵栽在溪水旁的樹
We never will run dry 我們不致乾渴
So living water flowing through 活水泉源湧流過
God, we thirst for more of You 神啊,我們渴慕你賜更多
Fill our hearts and flood our souls 充滿我們的心,漫溢我們的靈
With one desire 我們同心渴慕。

Just to know You and to make You known 讓我們認識你,並傳揚你
We lift Your name on high 我們高舉你的名
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide 如日光照耀,黑暗逃遁而隱藏
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives 我們知道自己被造成不平凡的生命,
It's time for us to do more than just survive 是讓我們超越僅僅殘存的時刻了
We were made to thrive 我們被造是為了茁壯。

Whoa-oh... 喔...
Into Your word we're digging deep to know our Father's heart 你的話語,我們深深發掘,為知道天父的心意
Into the world we're reaching out to show them who You are 進入世界,我們伸展福音,傳揚你是神
So living water flowing through 活水泉源湧流過
God, we thirst for more of You 神啊,我們渴慕你賜更多
Fill our hearts and flood our souls 充滿我們的心,漫溢我們的靈
With one desire 我們同心渴慕。

Just to know You and to make You known 讓我們認識你,並傳揚你
We lift Your name on high 我們高舉你的名
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide 如日光照耀,黑暗逃遁而隱藏
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives 我們知道自己被造成不平凡的生命,
It's time for us to do more than just survive 是讓我們超越僅僅殘存的時刻了
We were made to thrive 我們被造是為了茁壯。

Joy unspeakable 難以言喻的喜樂
Faith unsinkable 不止息的信心
Love unstoppable 阻擋不了的愛
Anything is possible 任何事都可能成就。

Joy unspeakable 難以言喻的喜樂
Faith unsinkable 不止息的信心
Love unstoppable 阻擋不了的愛
Anything is possible 任何事都可能成就。

Joy unspeakable 難以言喻的喜樂
Faith unsinkable 不止息的信心
Love unstoppable 阻擋不了的愛
Anything is possible 任何事都可能成就。

Just to know You and to make You known 讓我們認識你,並傳揚你
We lift Your name on high 我們高舉你的名
Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide 如日光照耀,黑暗逃遁而隱藏
We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives 我們知道自己被造成不平凡的生命,
It's time for us to do more than just survive 是讓我們超越僅僅殘存的時刻了
We were made to thrive 我們被造是為了茁壯。




第一章 前言      今日西方社會的政治制度多半受到古典自由主義( classical liberalism )的影響。 無論是君主立憲,或各種類型的共和政體,政府組織運作的理念,多半源自於西方政治思想。其權利機構的設計也是以古典自由主義所提倡的政治理論為基礎,進而有各樣的...