Before the throne of God above 在至高神寶座面前,
I have a strong and perfect plea: 我有強烈完全懇求,
A great High Priest, whose name is Love, 祂名為愛的大祭司,
Who ever lives and pleads for me. 永遠活著為我代求。
My name is graven on His hands, 我名被刻在祂手上,
My name is written on His heart; 我名被寫在祂心中,
I know that while in heaven He stands 我知至天堂祂面前,
No tongue can bid me thence depart 無口能命我與祂分離,
No tongue can bid me thence depart. 無口能命我與祂分離。
When Satan tempts me to despair, 當撒旦誘我至絕望,
And tells me of the guilt within, 告知我心尚存罪咎,
Upward I look, and see Him there 仰首望天見祂俯視
Who made an end to all my sin. 眾罪孽皆由祂解脫。
Because the sinless Savior died, 只因無罪救主捨身,
My sinful soul is counted free; 我有罪靈魂得解脫,
For God the just is satisfied 因神公義已得滿足,
To look on Him and pardon me 見祂所作,我得赦免,
To look on Him and pardon me 見祂所作,我得赦免。
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Praise the One, 哈里路亞!哈里路亞!讚美祂
Risen Son of God! 復活的神兒子。
Behold Him there, the Risen Lamb 看哪!復活羔羊在此,
My perfect, spotless righteousness, 我完美無暇的公義,
The great unchangeable I am, 偉大、永不改變的“我是”,
The King of glory and of grace! 榮耀恩典的大君王。
One with Himself I cannot die 與祂同在我不死亡,
My soul is purchased by His blood 我靈魂被祂血買贖,
My life is hid with Christ on high, 我生命隱藏基督裡,
With Christ, my Savior and my God 伴我救主、我神基督,
With Christ, my Savior and my God 伴我救主、我神基督。